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The Life-Long Value of Comprehensive Eye Exams

Routine eye exams are a vital part of overall health care. Several eye problems can get worse over time without anyone noticing. This is because they have no obvious symptoms to indicate that medical attention is necessary.

Diagnosis & Treatment of Common Eye Diseases

Many different eye diseases can affect our vision, the health of our eyes, and even our quality of life. Some are more likely to affect us than others. Knowing what they are, how to spot them, and when to seek professional help can make all the difference to your long-term eye health.

Importance of UV Protection

The American Optometric Association recommends constant UV (ultraviolet) protection for the eye area. Unprotected exposure to the sun can damage the structures of the eyes and the skin around them. The same things happen to exposure to indoor UV radiation. If you want to understand the importance of UV eye protection, here’s what you should know.

Diagnosing and Treating Cataracts

Cataracts usually worsen over time, resulting in a continuous reduction of vision. Ordinary activities like driving will be affected, and so can the overall quality of your life. If not treated, a patient can become legally blind or worse and suffer from total blindness. In some cases, changing your eyeglass prescription can help improve your vision if your cataract is getting worse. But there might be times that it will not. Since it’s impossible to accurately predict how quickly the disease will worsen, it would be best to see your eye doctor for a regular checkup. Here’s how they diagnose and treat cataracts:

Preventing Ocular Allergies

Irritated, itchy eyes? Eyes red and watering like mad? Suffering from eye infections? These can all be signs of ocular allergies. Eye allergies occur when your body views a harmless substance that comes into contact with your eyes as a hostile invader. This substance is then referred to as an allergen, and your body responds to it by setting off an immune response. This response is the allergy symptoms that you experience.

Types of Eye Emergencies

Annual eye checkups are essential. But there may be times when you’d have to call your eye doctor due to an ocular emergency. Sadly, some eye problems are prone to infection, involve systemic disease, and, worse, lead to permanent vision loss. Clinicians must be able to immediately and correctly recognize the signs and symptoms associated with an eye emergency. It’s also crucial for them to determine the severity of the condition and assess the situation.

Signs of Cataracts

At a young age, your lens (small disc-like structure in your eye) is often like transparent glass, letting you see clearly through them. As you get older, the lenses can become frosted and start to limit your vision.

What’s Involved During a Contact Lens Fitting?

While the vast majority wear glasses, an increasing number of people are now turning to contact lenses, either to use exclusively or alongside glasses to give them the best of both options. 

Diagnosis and Care for Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a serious, progressive eye disease that often doesn’t display any symptoms until it causes permanent vision loss. Fortunately, your optometrist can detect glaucoma before symptoms appear, so you can begin treatment before it progresses and takes your sight. Keep reading to find out how glaucoma is diagnosed and treated. 

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